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What You Need to Know
as a Burr Parent or Guardian


What time does school start?
All grades – Kindergarten through Grade 5 – Front and Back Doors open at 8:10 am. All children must be in their classrooms by 8:20 am when the late bell rings. If your child arrives after 8:20 am, they must sign in with Ms. Studley in the Main Office.


How should my child get to and from school?

Burr is lucky to be a very walkable neighborhood. There are 3 crossing guards to make certain that the major crossings are safe.  The sidewalks from these crossing guards all the way to school are shoveled by the city to make certain they are passable year-round. Parking is very limited around the school.  All students who plan on taking the bus need to register for a bus pass. For more information on bus routes or applying for a bus pass, click here.


You can use the BLUE ZONE to transport your child by car. These are the blue curbed areas directly in front of the school on both sides of Pine Street.  These areas are for quick drop-off and pick-up only: NO PARKING. Children must be able to enter/exit car independently, and should only enter/exit on the sidewalk side of the car (not into the street). If a child requires any assistance getting out of the car (i.e., putting on backpacks, gloves, opening car door), they are not ready for the Blue Zone—please plan to park your car and walk your child to the door. Violators who park in the Blue Zone can be ticketed by police, as these are legal restrictions set by the City of Newton. All of the Blue Zone rules are for the safety of our children. For more detailed information, please click here.


NO PARKING in the SCHOOL PARKING LOT DURING SCHOOL HOURS – SCHOOL STAFF ONLY. Parking on streets around the school is allowed, unless it’s the Blue Zone area. If you feel you must drive and park, please consider parking a bit away from the school and walking the rest. The streets surrounding the school are not designed to handle the volume of traffic associated with so many of our families driving. Parking is even more limited in the winter. The best places to look for parking are along Washburn Avenue and Orris Streets just south of the school.


What is the release time for children in Grades K-5?

All children in these grades are released at 2:50 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Every Wednesday throughout the year is an early release day and school ends at 12:20 for all students. In addition, there are approximately 6 special early release days on or Thursdays at 12:10 pm. Refer to the online School Calendar for these days.


Where do I find a list of classroom supplies that I need to purchase?

You can find a list of supplies as requested by the teachers for each grade level here.


How are students dismissed?

Children are dismissed at the door to the right of the office in front of the building. Teachers accompany students in grades K – 2 and wait until a parent or guardian comes to pick them up (either in the Blue Zone or on foot). Students in grade 3 – 5 are dismissed directly from the classroom.  We ask parents to wait outdoors for children. All doors remain locked at dismissal, and visitors should not enter the building as children exit for security purposes. 


What if my child will be tardy?

​If your child arrives after 8:20 a.m. you must enter through the Main Office.  Remember that these doors will be locked and you will need to use the buzzer system. A note is required for every absence and all cases of tardiness.


What if my child will be absent?

Please call the Attendance Call-Back Line (617-559-9380) before 8:10 a.m. This is a 24-hour answering machine that may be called any time. Please leave your child’s name, date of absence, teacher’s name, your name, and reason for absence. If you have not called in your child’s absence, you will be called at home or at work. The principal will be notified if parents cannot be reached.


What if my child needs early dismissal?​

If a child is to be dismissed early, a note from the parent or guardian is necessary. Remember that you will have to be buzzed into the building, so please indicate in the note the time the child will be picked up to facilitate the process. A child will only be dismissed from the school office (the office will call the classroom) to a parent or guardian.


What is the allergy policy at Burr?

The number of students with life threatening allergies to food is increasing in the general population and here at Burr School. Families should communicate any known food allergies to the school nurse, Diane Best, and the classroom teacher to ensure a safe environment for our children. All parents should encourage their children not to share their food with other students. Newton Public School's complete food allergy policy can be found here. A helpful resource to help manage allergies in the school setting can be found here.


Where can I find the Burr School Handbook?

The handbook is located on the Burr School website, but you can also find it here.


What early morning and after school programs are available?

The Newton Public Schools offer an Early Morning Program for students in Grades K through 5 in each of the elementary schools. The program is designed to provide a needed service by giving parents the opportunity to bring their children to school prior to the beginning of the regularly scheduled school day. This program provides supervised before school care at Burr School from 7:30 a.m. until 8:20 a.m. when the school day begins. For information on this program, click here


The Burr Community Afterschool Program (BCAP) is a non-profit corporation that was founded and continues to be run by parents. The program is separate from Newton Public Schools, but enjoys a constructive professional relationship with the school system—particularly the administration and teachers at Burr School. The program operates in space rented from the City of Newton in the Burr School building. For more information, please visit the BCAP website.


How can I get more involved as a volunteer?

Whether you only have a few hours to give once every few months or want to get involved on a more regular basis, there are numerous volunteer opportunities with the Burr PTO. Please visit our Volunteer section to find out more about ways to get more involved. Or submit a Volunteer Interest Form, and we'll find an opportunity that fits your schedule and interest. Take an active role in your child's education and development at Burr, while meeting new people and making new friends. Volunteer today!




Burr School PTO

171 Pine Street

Auburndale, MA 02466​



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