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Learn the Rules, 
For the Safety of Our Kids

What exactly is a Blue Zone?

A Blue Zone is an area designated by the City of Newton for the safe and quick drop-off/pick-up of students by car. These areas are marked by blue curbs and blue School Pick-up/Drop-off Zone signs. Cars may only remain in the Blue Zone long enough for a child to enter/exit the car—no parkingPlease note that there is also no parking in the Live Parking areas (marked by signs), as this is where cars queue to pull into the Blue Zone. Drivers MUST stay in their cars at all times in both the Blue Zone and Live Parking areas. Violators who park in either can be towed or ticketed by the police.


Please understand that these rules were not created to be difficult. We don't want you to be late for work or miss that important meeting. We simply want to keep all of our children and their families safe—besides, it's the law. Thank you for your cooperation!


Where is the Blue Zone at Burr?

At Burr, the Blue Zone includes the blue curbed areas directly in front of the school on both sides of Pine Street.  Again, these areas are for quick drop-off and pick-up only. 


Can all children be dropped off in the Blue Zone?

Only if they can do so without any assistance from the driver.  Children must be able to enter/exit car independently, and should only enter/exit on the sidewalk side of the car (not into the street). If a child requires any assistance getting out of the car (i.e., putting on backpacks, gloves, opening car door), they are not ready for the Blue Zone—please plan to walk your child to school, or park your car a few blocks from Burr and then walk your child to the door.


Can I drop my child off on either side of the Blue Zone?

It depends. If your child is in kindergarten, 1st grade or 2nd grade, you must use the large Blue Zone adjacent to the school so they can be dismissed directly from their teacher to you. If your child is in 3rd grade or higher, you can use the small Blue Zone on the opposite side of the street. 

What does "live parking" mean?

Live parking means that drivers MUST stay in their cars when they are alongside these signs, as well as during the entire drop-off/pick-up process—ready to move forward when the cars in front of you proceed.  There is absolutely no parking, not even for a "quick sec."By doing so, you force other cars to drive around you and create a hazardous situation for both drivers and pedestrians (i.e., our children). Furthermore, those signs weren't put up by Burr School—it's actually the law.


Okay, okay, I get it. But can I ever park in the Blue Zone? 

Yes! And it is exhilarating when you can. The signs clearly indicate the times when the Blue Zone and Live Parking are off limits for parking, so go crazy if it's not a restricted time!


Can I just quickly unload in the school parking lot?

No. There is NO PARKING, DROP-OFFS OR PICK-UPS ALLOWED IN THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT DURING SCHOOL HOURS. The parking lot is for school staff members only (Let's not make our teachers have to drive around looking for parking!) 


Where can I park near the school?

Parking on streets around the school is allowed, with the exception of the Blue Zone and Live Parking areas. Since Burr is located in a residential neighborhood, parking is extremely limited around the school. ​If you feel you must drive and park, please consider parking a bit away from the school and walking the rest. The streets surrounding the school are not designed to handle the volume of traffic associated with so many of our families driving. Parking is even more limited in the winter. The best places to look for parking are along Washburn Avenue and Orris Street southwest of the school.

Burr School PTO

171 Pine Street

Auburndale, MA 02466​



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