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Calling All Volunteers!

The PTO needs you.


Did you know that, through your support, the Burr PTO is able to put on 35 events and programs at Burr every year? In order for all of those to happen, we need volunteers to run them. Here is the list of what we do at Burr. The highlighted positions are where we most need volunteers in order to keep bringing the whole Burr Community all of our great events. Please consider volunteering!


If you interested or if have any questions, please contact

School Support Chairs
Landscape/Garden Classroom- Marni Caputo and Kim Tulimeri
Creative Arts and Sciences- Audrey Gallo, Laura Towvim, Janhavi Wadhwani & Patty Devaney (Anna Mehrotra, outgoing)
Understanding our Differences-
Grade 3:  Deanna Salemme, Cassandra Pauyo 
Grade 4:  Sharon Reilly, Open
Grade 5:  Open (2)
Science Fair - Laura Sexton
Playground- Open (Melissa, Chatfield, outgoing)
Library Volunteer Coordinator - Elise Person

Fundraising Chairs
Wolf Fund - Christine Dutt & Open
Picture Day- Valerie Wastcoat
Election Day Bake Sale- Sloane Goldhagen
Talent Show Concessions - Open (Sloane Goldhagen, outgoing)
Amazon- Laura Sexton
Savers- Open (Sherri Sonia, outgoing)
Auction-Open, Laura Sexton (Justine Fialkosky and Melissa Chatfield, outgoing)
Pie Sale- Open (Justine Fialkosky, outgoing)
Movie Night- Sharon Reilly and Burcu Deniz (Sloane Goldhagen, outgoing)
Commemorative Bricks- Open (Melissa Chatfield, outgoing)
Move-a-Thon- Open (Melissa Chatfield, outgoing)
Spirit Wear- Open

Communication Chairs
Burr Buzz Editors- Meredith Berg, Stacey Richard & Open (Raquel Pereira & Anu Medappa, outgoing)
Webpage- Sharon Reilly
Room Parent Coordinator- Open (Beth Vivieros, outgoing)
Directory – Katie Biello

Community Chairs
Burr Night at the Red Sox/ Celtics- Jennifer Reale 
Back to School Picnic- Janhavi Wadhwani
Halloween Family Fun Night- Louisa Hunt, Cristal Balis & Open (Stacey Richard, outgoing)
Scholastic Book Fair - On hold for 2017-2018
"Fall Frolic" Book Fair at Barnes & Noble (new event in 2017) - Cristal Balis & Open
Book Swap- Krissy Munroe & Open
World Culture Celebration- Open
May Fair- Valerie Wastcoat, Deanna Salemme, Sloane Goldhagen, Justine Fialkosky
Kindergarten Welcome- Laura Sexton and Audrey Gallo
Hospitality- Burcu Deniz, Hema Rao & Ruchi Bhasin (Justine Fialkosky, outgoing)
Newton Serves- Janhavi Wadhwani
Safe Routes- Open
Sports- G Alex Wen
Green Team- Open

Burr School PTO

171 Pine Street

Auburndale, MA 02466​



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